SVG logo animation


The logo is very important for a company or organization. The logo roles as an icon of the company. In the business world, logos are essential to improve marketing. For example, people will prefer to choose iPhone than other mobile brands because they want to look rich because they use a product from Apple. However, to create a good logo, you can use an app or the right tool. Recently people were using SVG to create images, logos, or animations. Some companies hire logo designers to create their logos in SVG format. Thus, the logo that has been created will be worth more. Besides being used in creating logos, SVG can also be used to create animations. Animations created using SVG have better quality than GIFs. To make the animation easy enough so that anyone can make it. Apart from that, there is now SVGator that offers animation creation with the SVG format. You can design SVG logo animation online easily. No skill required in coding, simply by importing images from some apps like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.

Tips On Designing Logo Animation

In designing a logo animation, you need to pay attention to some of the tips below. The goal is to facilitate you in designing SVG logo animation. Here are the tips:

SVG logo animation

1.Draw the concept before executing design

Before executing the design, you better make the concept first in the paper as a basic picture of the wanted logo. When you have defined a clear direction, you just pour through the design program, such as Photoshop or Illustrator.

2.Seek references as the beginning of your inspiration

If you are having trouble visualizing the logo idea, you can find inspiration and references from similar companies existing logos. You can browse on Google and compare that. Do not use those logos as inspiration and do not trace them directly. Notice the symbolism, color blending, and see the fonts it uses.

3.Use the vector design format

In the logo you will create, we recommend using the vector design format. Vector is a type of design made using mathematical calculations based on lines and shapes. The vector design allows for easier editing and flexibility when used because it will not rupture the display when the logo is zoomed or scaled according to the needs of the design implementation in various media. You can design a logo using Adobe Illustrator which is then saved in SVG format.






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